Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Scribbling of the Scribe

Well, I am still here. I finished school. It feels weird. It hasn't drastically improved my time management skills, though. I try to spend at least some time during the day looking for a job.

Then, in my free time, I've been working through the video game Demon's Souls on Playstation 3.

I've been reading The Wise Man's Fear, but alas, not regularly and it's been almost a week I think since I've made any progress.

I got Leviathan Wept and Other Stories by Dan Abraham from the library, and I've been reading some of that. It's fun and light reading yet heavy concepts and emotional drama. I would say it's excellent and I've only read 3 of the 9 stories. I'll post a full review when I finish it.

Also listening to Eleven Tigers. Interesting and deep electronic music. The album is called Clouds are Mountains.

So that's what I've been up to.

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