Blade of the Immortal (wiki) is a long running manga series by Hiroaki Samura. The first volume, Blood of a Thousand, introduces the plot and characters.
The premise is interesting, but it still needs to be expanded upon, as I know it will in the following 20+ volumes with its various story arcs. Only a samurai would consider immortality a curse. It seems as if they're always seeking after an honorable demise.
The premise is interesting, but it still needs to be expanded upon, as I know it will in the following 20+ volumes with its various story arcs. Only a samurai would consider immortality a curse. It seems as if they're always seeking after an honorable demise.
The art, in shaded pencil and heavily stylized, is good. The action scenes are good too. And I like it when characters have special attacks.
Blade of the Immortal: Blood of a Thousand is a neat introduction to what appears to be fairly traditional but good Japanese manga. I can't say it's a must-read, but at the very least, it was entertaining.
1 comment:
I've only read the first in this series, and I really liked it. I'm used to straight black & white inked artwork, and I liked how the artwork was a lot of shading and crosshatching.
now i need to find the money to buy further, and the time to read 'em!
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